Commonly asked questions about Exowatt

Our Model

What do you mean by almost free?

Our first goal was to achieve baseload power at $0.01/kWh, undercutting the low-cost dominance of fossil fuels. To achieve this, we developed a revolutionary technology solution that could compete on price and deliver reliable, sustainable energy.

Why does it matter to get the price so low?

Our solution offers a 5x cost reduction over fossil fuels, enabling significant savings for energy-intensive industries. This translates to reduced CO2 emissions and increased accessibility for innovative applications.

By lowering costs for operators and hyperscalers, we empower a wider population to benefit from AI and other cutting-edge technologies.


∙5x cost reduction compared to fossil fuels
∙Significant savings for energy-intensive industries
∙Reduced CO2 emissions
∙Increased accessibility and wider adoption of innovative applications

What does Exowatt do?

We provide modular full-stack renewable energy solutions for commercial and industrial use.

Our Hardware

What is the Exowatt P3? 

As the name suggests, the P3 is a three in one modular product that harnesses solar energy through specialized lenses and stores it as heat in a long-duration, sensible heat battery.

Whats that mean?
We are essentially taking energy directly from the sun and storing it in solid blocks made of a special material.

Unlike conventional batteries, our design uses a specially developed silicon composite material to store energy without chemical reactions, phase changes, or electrical currents. It’s a very simple battery that allows us not only to bring the cost of storage down, but it’s incredibly long-lasting without any degradation or maintenance requirements.  

Or modular full-stack energy solution for commercial and industrial applications has seven benefits:  

1. 7.5 KWe peak load power

2. More than 1,000°C high quality heat

3. 12+ hours of storage capacity – without degradation and losses because the heat engine is built in

4. Less than four cents levelized cost of energy (LCOE)

5. Made in USA

6. 80% recycled materials

7. Can linearly scale the number of modules for a project compared to large systems that need a lot of lead time.

Our Solution

Why do we need Exowatt?
Don’t we already have renewables + storage, and nuclear?

Today’s renewable energy solutions have five problems: 

1. They’re not dispatchable; energy is not available as needed and being produced when not needed (aka, the “Duck Curve”)

2. No built-in storage; adding electrochemical batteries increases the cost of renewable by over 100%

3. No output variety; heat is 66% of industrial energy use, but solar PV, wind and hydro only produce electricity 

4. Not modular: baseload power plants can take up to 10 years and $1B of CapEx to become operational

5. Made in China: China makes 77% of the world’s batteries and 80% of the solar panel supply chain.

While the cost of generating renewable energy has fallen significantly, the challenge remains that wind and solar are intermittent. We then pair them with batteries, but the prevailing battery technology is electrochemical – li-ion degrades and is not a cost-competitive solution.

The grid needs something that can really load shift, into the night hours and the evening hours, which we can’t do with electrochemical. There is no solution that can truly do that.

We’re hoping that nuclear and geothermal come online, but ultimately every grid is a mix of different technologies, and some of those are many years away. We’re focused on a feasible solution now for large, CapEx-intensive customers. We want to let applications like data centers go online much sooner, in coming months, than would otherwise be possible. 


When will the Exowatt P3 be ready for deployment?

Interested partners and potential customers can begin pre-ordering the Exowatt P3 now [click on Reserve Now].

The Exowatt P3 will be ready for global and U.S. deployment by the end of this year, which is a testament to our team. We brought the P3 from concept to deployment in less than two years.

After that the goal is to start scaling manufacturing and deployments to 10s of megawatts by end-of-next-year, and in the gigawatts in the following years.